• Resolved Sylvain L



    I try to export and import reviews.

    Import :
    Everything seems ok during process.
    Even in “History” tab, I have https://prnt.sc/4258IYgxNRWI

    But if I download, that redirect to white page /admin.php?wt_iew_export_download=true&file=product_review_export_2023-10-13-07-56-42.csv&_wpnonce=ad2c859f65 and nothing is downloaded.

    I upload my csv files and the message “temp files missing appears” : https://prnt.sc/P3lfag-c3eRi


    • This topic was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by Sylvain L.
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  • Plugin Support WebToffee Support


    Hi @reventlov,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us.

    Could you please go to the /wp-content/webtoffee_export folder and check if the export file is added to that folder? Also, please share a screenshot of the files in that folder via support.

    Regarding the issue with the import, please let me know if there are any third-party plugins installed on your site that can potentially change the name of the uploaded files. If yes, then please deactivate it and try again. Also, please check if the uploaded file is added to the /wp-content/webtofee_import folder.

    Thread Starter Sylvain L



    Thank you for your reply, I sent you informations via support.


    Plugin Support WebToffee Support


    Hi @reventlov,

    Thank you for providing the information via support. Our support agent will get in touch with you via the support ticket to resolve the issue you are experiencing.

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