• Resolved sopuzzledjenny


    I am creating our first carousel, and I am running into a strange issue. We are adding images on top of the background image, which shows up fine when building the carousel in Depicter, and in the page editor in wp admin. However, when I publish the slider, the image does not appear on the right side of any of the slides in the carousel. For some reason, it is trying to pull from an s3 bucket instead of our uploads url. I have deleted the images and re-uploaded them, I’ve cleared the cache multiple times, I’ve used in cognito windows with the same result, and I tried creating a new slider with the new uploaded images with no luck.

    Any ideas why the plugin is trying to use an s3 url instead of our uploads, and how to fix it?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter sopuzzledjenny


    Hi @averta thank you for your reply.

    I went through all of your troubleshooting steps, and I am still getting the same issue. The error I mentioned in my first post is in the console. For some reason, I can’t get the image to show up here in the comment, so here it is copied in


    GET s3useast2://uploads.sopuzzled.com/2024/01/lid-SJNPIL-623x530.png net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
    Image (async)
    Wi @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    es @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _loadImages @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    trigger @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    loadContent @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    exec @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _loadSectionsInSequence @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _start @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    trigger @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _init @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    exec @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _domReady @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    setup @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    setup @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    setup @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ homepage-test/:897
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    Uo @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1

    GET s3useast2://uploads.sopuzzled.com/2024/06/IMG_3688-transparent-600x503.png net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
    Image (async)
    Wi @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    es @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _loadImages @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    trigger @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    loadContent @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    exec @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _checkCurrentSection @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _start @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    trigger @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _init @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    exec @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _domReady @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    setup @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    setup @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    setup @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ homepage-test/:897
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    Uo @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    48Third-party cookie will be blocked. Learn more in the Issues tab.

    GET s3useast2://uploads.sopuzzled.com/2024/06/IMG_3694-transparent-649x551.png net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
    Image (async)
    Wi @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    es @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _loadImages @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    trigger @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    loadContent @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    exec @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _loadSectionsInSequence @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    trigger @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    ready @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    ready @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    exec @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _onBgLoad @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    trigger @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _onBgImageLoad @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    load (async)
    ts @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    loadBackgroundImage @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    loadContent @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    exec @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _checkCurrentSection @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _start @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    trigger @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _init @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    exec @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    _domReady @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    setup @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    setup @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    setup @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ homepage-test/:897
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    (anonymous) @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1
    Uo @ depicter.js?ver=1717364034:1

    GET s3useast2://uploads.sopuzzled.com/2024/06/IMG_3690-transparent-692x602.png net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME

    Please advise on what is going wrong with depicter.

    Plugin Contributor Depicter Support


    Hello, I hope you are well.  Thank you for the details you have shared with us.  I need to emphasize that Depicter uses WordPress’s built-in functions to load media. The fact that your images are being loaded from a different source indicates that the problem lies somewhere in your website’s settings. As I mentioned earlier, the most common cause for such issues is the use of a CDN that may not be compatible with WordPress. This could be in the form of a plugin or server-level settings.  Unfortunately, not much more information can be learned from the error message, and the best way to investigate this issue more thoroughly is to review it on your website or server. https://docs.depicter.com/article/287-troubleshoot

    I mark this ticket as a resolved one if that does not help please submit a new ticket, since this issue is not related to Depicter.


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