• Resolved kenttubman


    I have been using your plugin for years - It works great!
    I recently upgraded your plugin from 3.5.4 to 3.5.14.
    At the same time, I upgraded WordPress from 5.8.9 to 6.4.3.
    Prior to these updates, your plugin worked perfectly.
    I saw some posts about old sliders not working with the new software so I created a new slider and inserted it into a test page - URL supllied.
    The four images begin to load but never get there.
    I have cleared both browser and server cache.
    When I inspect the code, the 4 URLs are present.
    Using one of the image URLs, I can view the image in a browser.
    What would be preventing these image from appearing?
    Thanks in advance,

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author FARAZFRANK


    Hi @kenttubman,

    Here the actual reason: https://prnt.sc/2G0_D799ybgh

    Slider required jQuey file not loading on your website.

    Did make any changes on your website? You said the plugin has been working for 1year. Please contact me on my website for further investigation.


    • This reply was modified 4 months ago by FARAZFRANK.
    • This reply was modified 4 months ago by FARAZFRANK.
    Thread Starter kenttubman


    Hello Faraz,

    Thanks for the quick reply.
    I am uncertain how to contact you through your website so I’ll post here for now. Please provide details on how to contact you otherwise.

    Other than keeping the software up to date, there have been no changes to this site.
    I was able to find jquery.sliderPro.js in public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-responsive-image-slider/assets/js
    Today, I deleted and installed your plugin thinking my install might be corrupted but I still get the spinning images.
    I have checked with my firewall provider who confirmed that the firewall is not blocking anything.

    What else might be causing this problem?

    Many thanks,


    Plugin Author FARAZFRANK


    You can contact through our website wpfrank.com/contact.

    We also checked your page source: view-source:https://whitetailgolfclub.ca/atest/

    The required library “jquery.sliderPro.js” for URIS is not loading on the page. And without it can’t work.


    Plugin Author FARAZFRANK


    You find the URIS library using this: https://prnt.sc/BiIBpC3hPBBp

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