• Resolved slfive


    Hi there,

    I’m hoping you can help me with this issue. I’m using the free version of this plugin. So far, it’s been awesome. But I just ran into an issue with how the images display in Chrome.


    If you go to any of those pages using the Chrome browser, you’ll see it’s cutting off the images. Is there a fix I can implement so that it doesn’t mess it up on any other browsers? Please let me know if you need more information and have any questions.

    Stephanie L.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Anoop Ranawat


    Hello @slfive

    For you solution is :

    [slick-slider image_fit="false"] and not need to use sliderheight parameter.

    For more details:

    image_fit : [slick-slider image_fit="false"] (image_fit parameter is used to specify how an image should be resized to fit its container. By default value is “true”. Options are “true OR false”). NOTE : image_fit="true" work better if sliderheight is given. if image_fit="false", no need to use sliderheight parameter.
    sliderheight : [slick-slider sliderheight="400" ] (Set image wrap height. NOTE : This parameter work better if image_fit="true" ).

    Also i saw you are using variable width option. variable width option work better if you add image having variable width BUT same height like 900X400px, 300X400px, 500X400px, 100X400px etc.

    NOTE: Please do not copy and paste parameter from here. Its better to write manually.

    Thread Starter slfive


    Hi Anoop,

    Thank you so much for your fast response.

    I need to use the variable width option, but didn’t realize that the images had to be set to the same height, file-wise. I figured that it would work regardless of the height because I’ve used a similar feature in different carousel plugins. To be clear, it does work, just not in Chrome and I found this out yesterday, after setting this up earlier this month.

    I’m going to get back with my client and see how they would like to proceed on layouts. I’m using a different one to remedy this issue. I really appreciate the response and the pointers on how to properly use the plugin.

    Thanks again,
    Stephanie L.

    Plugin Author Anoop Ranawat


    Hello @slfive

    We can set forcefully image height equal BUT that is not a right idea thats why i suggest you to use same height and variable width image for better ouput in variable image layout.

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