• Hello, I did not find a similar subject answered, so i decided to post this question. Hope it is ok.
    I created a slideshow (actually 3 or 4 of them). inserted the code to my page using DIVI.
    I was very happy with simplicity and outcome on my windows 10 PC.
    However, to my surprise nothing can be seen on my android phone. page simply ignores these. i checked on DIVI and they should be included in phone and tablet views. but – nothing.

    First slideshow should play right after site banner – but instead – it immediately shows long text block that should be under slideshow.
    If you have any suggestions, it will be much appreciated.
    Thank you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author FARAZFRANK


    Hi Derek,

    Thanks for using the plugin. Can you please let us know where the slider is exactly located on that page?
    We will check and let you know.

    One More Note:
    When I opened the site first time it shows me that screen: https://prnt.sc/DMBhqXqyEqIP
    But After the next, the site opened perfectly without any warning.


    Thread Starter pasztetowa


    Thank you for writing, and i appreciate that mention of another possible issue, i will check it.

    Slideshow (first one, there are 3 on that page) is at the very top of page, just under blue banner. see screenshot. on PC it shows nicely but does not show on android (no idea about iphone and mac devices)

    Here is another screenshot showing DIVI editor, and shortcode pasted in text box.

    If you have any suggestions as to fix, please let me know. Would be really appreciated.
    Many thanks!

    Plugin Author FARAZFRANK


    Try to use shortcode block rather then text block, maybe that worked.

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