• Resolved Ced


    Hello there 🙂

    First of all, thank you for your great plugin.

    I’ve installed/configured it yesterday.I’ve lunched the image optimisation process (I would like to use WEBP), but it seems that the process of image optimisation is blocked… I’m stucked at 2028 of 10000 since yesterday… Could you please tell me why?

    Here is the report # : YSKVAWJH

    Thank you in advance,


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  • Plugin Support qtwrk


    please try click “clean up unfinished data” and then send again , see if it get moving

    Thread Starter Ced


    Hello @qtwrk !

    I’ve first whitelisted your IPs, than refresh my domain IP on Quic.cloud, than “clean up unfinished data” and then send again. It seems that CRON tasks are now working 🙂

    Thank you,


    Thread Starter Ced


    Hello again 🙂

    In fact, it still seems to be blocked now: https://snipboard.io/7oScd6.jpg

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    each batch will take somewhere between 5 minutes to 2 hours to process , depends on server load

    and please confirm if your origin server IP is xxx.xxx.44.52 ?

    Thread Starter Ced


    Hi @qtwrk !

    The latest batch has been sent 4 hours ago… https://snipboard.io/X9Ldzi.jpg

    And it doesn’t come back :s https://snipboard.io/T4gCBZ.jpg

    I’ve enabled both CRON… https://snipboard.io/kKwnbl.jpg

    Thank you,

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    please create a ticket by mail to support at litespeedtech.com with reference link to this topic , we will investigate further.

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