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  • Plugin Author LuckyWP



    noindex added to block of table of contents.


    Thread Starter Mushlih Almubarak


    What I mean is if I remove some heading from the table of contents, but they are still there (not shown in the table of contents), will that prevent Google from indexing the titles I hide from the table of contents? Or is google still indexing the title that I hide from the table of contents?

    Plugin Author LuckyWP


    Google indexing full content of page, but removed headings will not be included in the table of contents.

    Thread Starter Mushlih Almubarak


    I don’t mean removing the title, but excluding the title from the table of contents, so the title is there but not included in the table of contents
    So the question is, is the title that I hide from the table of contents (not removing the title, just hiding it from the table of contents), can it be indexed by Google?
    So is it possible to display the post like the following image: ( even though the title is not shown in the table of contents?
    Thank you

    Plugin Author LuckyWP


    You want show item in table of contents without link to heading?

    Thread Starter Mushlih Almubarak


    No, I don’t want to show a heading in the table of contents, but it is displayed in Google search results like the image I submitted above

    Plugin Author LuckyWP


    I don’t understand you question 🙁

    Thread Starter Mushlih Almubarak


    I have a post with headings and sub-headings, then I only show the headings in the table of contents, not with sub-heading
    Can Google index the sub-headings even though they are not shown in the table of contents?
    Thank you

    Plugin Author LuckyWP


    Google indexed hidden from table of contents headings in contents, but not indexed hidden from table of contents headings in table of contents.

    Thread Starter Mushlih Almubarak


    Sorry, I still don’t understand your answer, can you explain again?

    Plugin Author LuckyWP


    If heading is not in table of contents, then Google won’t see heading in table of contents.

    Thread Starter Mushlih Almubarak


    Then can I make the post look like the image: (for example, the plugins in the image are not in the table of contents)

    Plugin Author LuckyWP


    I don’t understand…

    Thread Starter Mushlih Almubarak


    Ok, so if a heading is not displayed in the table of contents it will write a no-index script to that heading?

    Plugin Author LuckyWP


    1) Tag <!–noindex–> wrap table of contents and not depended from headings.
    2) Tag <!–noindex–> use only for Yandex and not supported by Google.

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