• Resolved fraughtithrouble


    When viewing this page (in the link to the page you need help with dialogue box) in Firefox latest version 122.0.1, the Iframe from all rumble videos is not displaying. This problem does not occur at https://www.ordo-militaris.net/2024/02/12/how-mind-control-via-reverse-psychology-convinced-you-to-do-things/ where the same Rumble video is displayed property when viewed from the same Firefox version browswer on the same device. The only difference between these sites is that fromrome.info uses Embed Press, and Ordo-Militaris.Net does not. So since I have seen several users submit problems about the non display of Iframes on sites with EmbedPress, I am wondering if your plugin may be causing this problem. I do not want to uninstall you plugin, since I have used it for years for a variety of embeds and do not want to have to purge the database of all your short codes as that would take end less hours. — I am using embed press 3. 9. 9 — I have also tried just pasting the Rumble URL rather than the Iframe, and notice the same problem. It does not appear to embed on Firefox. Though if I go and visit the URL at Rumble in another window, it then does embed if I refresh the window viewing the page at FromRome.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter fraughtithrouble


    And yes, I have purged the cache on my browswer and erased the cookies, so its not a problem of the browswer cache.

    Plugin Support AR Rasel


    Hi @fraughtithrouble,

    Hope you are doing well. Sorry for the late reply.

    I just checked your query with your shared page URL. I just checked this page URL: https://www.fromrome.info/2024/02/14/how-intelligence-agencies-use-the-media-to-force-you-to-obey-their-agenda/

    It seems you are not using the EmbedPress plugin to embed Rumble videos. Check this screenshot.

    I am requesting you try to embed the Rumble video by following this screencast and then recheck. Hope you will not face any issues.

    Let us know how it goes. Thanks!

    Thread Starter fraughtithrouble


    I use classic editor only. So your example does not help. However, I find the problem happening whether I use I frame or simply the Rumble url. I presume that in the classic editor, Embed Press embeds both, automatically. I know that a tweet gets the [embed] tags inserted automatically, though in the last 4 months its leaving much too much space below the tweet when text follows the tweet.

    Plugin Support Amit Paul


    Hi @fraughtithrouble,

    I hope you’re doing well. I apologize for the delay in getting back to you.

    I’ve made an attempt to reproduce the issue on my end using the same rumble video in the Classic editor and checked it with Firefox browsers, but I couldn’t replicate the problem. I can confirm that it’s working perfectly on Firefox browsers, as you can see here: https://d.pr/v/G4ekfc.

    Additionally, I thoroughly examined both of the links you provided, and they appear to be functioning correctly from Firefox as well, as shown here: https://d.pr/v/IOWqHG.

    Given that it seems to be functioning normally in my tests, it’s puzzling that you’re still experiencing issues in your browsers. Could you please share a short video demonstrating how you’re encountering this problem? In the meantime, I recommend trying to clear your browser cache and also clearing the site cache if you’re utilizing any caching plugins on your site.

    Thank you for your cooperation and patience. We’ll work together to resolve this issue promptly.

    Plugin Support Amit Paul


    Hello @fraughtithrouble,

    Hope you’re doing well.

    Would you kindly give us feedback about the issue that you’re facing? As we didn’t able to find your issue from our end, so If you’re still getting the issue, kindly contact here with details for more investigation.

    Thank you!

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