• This free and famous theme was so good – for years. And we have spoken so highly of it to others. Now our design has cracked in so many places that we are thinking about completely changing the theme. Can we really bear to flutter around among the codes to get it nice again?

    We use custom CSS and with the new update the font and margins change. The full width disappeared and widgets without content litter the pages. It seems that elements and other things have been renamed in the new update, causing the CSS to not connect.

    While we’re thinking, we’ve fallen back to a previous backup (with ColorMagVersion: 2.1.8) on the web host even though everything didn’t actually go back to normal and again.

    If there is an quick fallback to something like before – good lovely working shit – we will consider keeping it – and You get to keep your stars from us.

    Dag Persson

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  • Hi @dag-persson,

    Thanks for reaching us,

    With the new theme update, we updated the design and coding of ColorMag to improve it for our customers and plan to add exciting features and improve its overall design and performance in the future.

    The CSS code added previously on your site will no longer work as all the Class name, ID’s has been changed. In-order to run the CSS with the new version of the theme we can modify the old CSS code and make it work on the new version of the theme.

    So it would be better if you can provide the screenshot of the area you have changed earlier using the CSS code. Also, please provide the CSS code you have used earlier so that I can modify and provide you the relevant CSS code.


    Thread Starter Dag Persson


    Sure, I understand. Development can be difficult to build on old systems. But, as I tried to say, there have been way too many bugs so we have to spend our time on other things – instead of trying to communicate with you in all the details.

    One possibility is perhaps that we try to figure out which elements, Class ID’s, we can change our CCS. We are keeping the older version of ColorMag until we decide.

    Another possibility could be to compare v2.1.8, CSS and functions.php, with the new versions.

    In parallel, we are looking for another suitable theme where we can imagine that we can rely on sustainability. We’ll see.

    What do YOU others in the community say about it?

    Hi Dag,

    Seems like you have a customized child theme installed and probems after the new update.

    My Colormag childtheme has been highly customized for my site including a members forum.

    I have not upgraded yout to the new version after reading all the comments here.

    Afraid to do so, because my site is getting a good amount of traffic and I don’t want to have a broken theme display.

    As you said it used to be such a great theme.

    My developer wanted to switch me a few month ago and I they said : Themegrill” has always been so great with support and I love the Colormag theme.

    Now I wonder if I made the right decision?

    Hi @dag-persson, @newbie101,

    Thanks for reaching us,

    In the recent ColorMag Major updates, we have modified few things with the theme that includes the HTML markups, CSS, and various other code refactors. Since you are using the child theme, you’ll need to update the code by checking with the latest version of the theme. You don’t need to recreate the child theme but update it.

    For example – For making the changes on the Post Title, you can achieve its class as shown in the screenshot here: https://prnt.sc/rKV7lymKfWSs. Its class will be cm-entry-header. Under the class, you can make CSS modifications such as color, font size, and so on. In a similar manner, you can do this for other sections of your site.

    I hope you are clear now. If you still have any confusion or issues while changing the Class and IDs, kindly let us know the issue and we will get back to you.

    Also, we don’t recommend using the old version of the theme. You can use the latest version of the theme, and if you go with any issues, please drop us a query or contact us via the live chat support here: https://www.themegrill.com/


    Thread Starter Dag Persson


    Thank you for the advice. Yes, that’s how we do it to find ID’s. We are well aware that the theme, as well as WordPress and plugins, must be up to date. Form and function stay with v2.1.8 for a little while.

    But, as I said, there are probably now too many changes to make. We have limited resources and must think about what steps to take to save time and energy. The durability factor – the fact that a theme does not undergo a massive make over – weighs heavily, not least with the experience of the problem that has arisen now.


    Hi @dag-persson,

    Thanks for the reaching us,

    As mentioned earlier, we have updated the codes to improve the designs and performance in the future. Also, we were aware that this will create an issue with the Child theme as we have changed all the HTML Markups, CSS Class name, IDs, etc.

    So the markups and classes that have been changed with the new version of the theme should be updated on your child’s theme manually. There is no any specific alternative method of changing the Class name except the manual method.

    If you have any confusion while changing the class name, HTML Markups and other elements, kindly share the screenshots of the area and we will help you replace with the new one.


    Thread Starter Dag Persson


    Time to say goodbye and thank You for the years with ColorMag by ThemeGrill. It worked well for a long time. We specifically linked to you and highly recommend you.

    But after the really stupid changes to all these HTML Markups, CSS Class names, IDs, etc. in connection with the update to version 3.0, at least we have had to leave the theme and switch to something more stable.

    “Send a screenshot!”, you say. How in heaven’s name will you be able to handle all the problems that have arisen in the house of so many users. Rarely do we see so many topics with problems on a support page.

    Many of us users have become several experiences richer. Both in the handling of codes and theme changes. In retrospect – in the name of honesty – don’t you think it would have been better to turn the ship around in time?

    Good luck to all users and developers!

    Hi @dag-persson,

    Our intention behind the update was to incorporate the latest technology and enhance compatibility with other resources. However, we acknowledge that it has affected the customization of your site. If you have not customized the theme and relied on the default features, you would greatly benefit from the update. For more details about update, please check this link https://docs.themegrill.com/colormag/docs/all-about-colormag-free-v3-0-and-colormag-pro-v4-0-major-updates.

    Since you have made changes to your theme with the custom design code, the latest update contains different classes. We recommend you change and write the custom code again to customize the theme. If you are unable to do so, please provide us with the requirement for the custom CSS code with a screenshot of your sections that needs to be modified. We will look into it and get back to you with the appropriate solution.

    For default layout loading issues, we recommend you check this documentation https://docs.themegrill.com/colormag/docs/troubleshooting-common-issues-after-colormag-v3-0-pro-v4-0-updates.

    Also, you will need to restore your few settings and layout. So, we recommend you check our new settings and configure them according to your needs. Please check this documentation https://docs.themegrill.com/colormag/new-colormag-documentation/ and check the customizer settings.


    Thread Starter Dag Persson



    We already know all that. But we have already changed the theme to one that we perceive as more sustainable. You always learn something new – about coding and what can happen when theme makers make drastic changes.

    Thanks for the concern anyway. Take care out there!


    Hi @dag-persson,

    We’re sorry to hear that you have already switched the theme from ColorMag. But we already have explained to you the reason behind changing the overall theme coding standard. It has brought many issues on the user’s end, and at the same time, most of the issue has been solved after releasing the update with the fix. The only major issue with the update is updating the CSS Classes and IDs manually on your end. Besides that, other major and minor issues have been fixed with every new theme released.

    Anyway, thank you for using the theme, and if you feel like using the theme again and come up with any issues in the future, let us know, and we will get back to you.


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