• Resolved Vi Văn Lâm


    I was checking the Yoast SEO tool and found that it has a serious SEO error that if you don’t pay attention, will cause duplicate content.

    Wrong link:

    <link rel="canonical" href="https://domain.com/danh-muc/plugins/page/2/" />

    Correct link

    <link rel="canonical" href="https://domain.com/danh-muc/plugins/" />
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  • Plugin Support Maybellyne


    Hello @vithanhlam,

    Thanks for reaching out about the canonical URLs of your paginated series. Canonicals were introduced as an answer to duplicate content and the Yoast SEO plugin automatically creates a self-referencing canonical tag on your site, as we’ve mentioned in this article.

    This means that the canonical URL will be the same for /page/2/, /page/3/, and so on. The plugin has no functionality to have another page as the canonical in a paginated series. And Google is very clear about that; each page within a paginated series should canonicalize to itself, so /page/2/ has a canonical pointing to /page/2/ and so on. You can read more about it here.

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