• I had really hoped this would be good enough that I could upgrade to the full version, but I’m glad I tested it before paying for it.

    I reached out months ago about a setting that keeps “untoggling” itself in the affiliate dashboard. I was told they were aware of the issue & they had an update about to roll out that would fix it. That was MONTHS ago, but nothing was fixed. It’s kind of a big deal because it prevents affiliates from being able to get repeat commissions from a customer. I allow that in my affiliate program, so my customers have an incentive to keep promoting my products to their lists. And, it’s an integrity issue if I’m not doing what I said.

    I also made them aware that in the affiliate dashboard there is a misspelling of the word “manual” (As in, how the customer will be paid). It just looks bad for the affiliates to see that kind of thing in the dashboard that represents my business. Again, I was told it was an issue they were aware of and it would also be fixed in the update.

    Both issues, still exist.

    I’ve also encountered another significant issue, which I didn’t bother bringing to the developers, since it was after-the-fact and they didn’t ever fix the above issues. With manual payments, you have to update when the payable has been processed to the affiliate. However, I had an issue with one commission that I had closed out, reappearing later in the payables as unpaid. I ended up paying out an affiliate twice for a $35.00 commission because I just thought it was a new commission & didn’t realize it was an error caused by the plugin. I only realized when the same commission popped up AGAIN in the payables that it was inaccurate. I am out the $35 & as a small business that matters to me.

    I would soooo have loved to not have these issues. I was 100% rooting for the plugin. I really don’t want the headache of researching other plugins and moving my affiliates over, but with these issues and that they weren’t fixed after being told they would be, I’m not going to gamble on the premium version.

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