• WordPress theme customization not working

    every time i open a any theme for customization that show loading and not open.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hard to tell what’s going on there. Certainly not how it’s supposed to be. I’d start with general debugging – you can find more here: https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/debugging-in-wordpress/

    Might also have something to do with a plugin conflicting or a hosting setting. I’d also try temporarily disabling all your plugins and checking your hosting acocunt for error logs and then posting back here.

    I hope that points you in the right direction.



    It is really hard to diagnose this way. As Dave said, try to disable plugins to check if the problems are not from plugins.

    Then, another thing you may check, if your server have enough upload capacities. Goto Tools > Site Health > Info > Server and check below configurations. If they are below this, it may cause issues:

    PHP version – 7.4.33
    PHP max input variables – 1000
    PHP time limit – 600
    PHP memory limit – 256M
    Max input time – 600
    Upload max file size – 128M
    PHP post max size – 128M

    Note that if php version does not match it can also cause non-stable issues. Your theme may work with php 8, you may check.

    • This reply was modified 11 months ago by Masud.


    There might be a JavaScript issue within your theme. Please try following this link for debugging JavaScript in WordPress.

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