• Resolved sturley


    Hello, I last used this plugin on May 9th with no issues. But today I went in to do another pull and when I click the plugin from the menu the page just goes blank. I’ve tried rolling the plugin back and deactivating/deleting but its still not working. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you


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  • Plugin Author Atlas_Gondal


    I’m sorry to hear about the trouble you’re experiencing. Since the plugin hasn’t been modified recently, it’s likely that something in the environment has changed. Could you please send me the error log or grant me access to the server here so I can take a closer look?

    I look forward to your response.


    Thread Starter sturley


    Hello – we took a look and it appears to the plugin is having trouble due to not being compatible with WordPress which was recently updated to version 6.5.4

    Plugin Author Atlas_Gondal


    @sturley I did a test run and plugin is completely compatible with the wordpress 6.5.4. Can you please check the log and get me error?

    Thread Starter sturley


    Thank you so much for your quick responses. This is the error that is showing, we use a third party company to assist us in support of our WordPress site. They provided me the error information and the below explanation. I’m still learning some of the admin things for WordPress and really appreciate any guidance.

    $ tail ../mnt/log/38222-php.error.log
    [13-Jun-2024 21:41:19 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /wordpress-versions/6.5.4/wp-includes/class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php on line 76

    Reason Provided: It seems that the plugin is executing PHP queries that are consuming to much PHP memory, which is a common issue when outdated plugins use deprecated code. WordPress was recently updated to version 6.5.4, and the plugin in question has only been tested up to version 6.4.4 with no updates in the past 7 months. You may review this on their site’s documentation:

    Plugin Author Atlas_Gondal


    Thanks for providing me the error log, most likely the website contains large number of urls which results in the error, please use the advance option to extract urls in chunks.

    Here’s how:

    1. Set all exports options
    2. Click on Show Advanced Options
    3. Choose Specify Range
    4. Set the range like 0 to 1000
    5. Repeat last step a few times to extract all the urls

    I hope it helps, lemme know if you need further assistance in this.


    Thread Starter sturley


    Unfortuenately I’m not able to follow the instructions you provided. When I try to go to the plugin it is just a blank page and I don’t have any of the above showing.

    Plugin Author Atlas_Gondal


    Sorry to hear that, it did not resolve your issue. Please try to temporarily increase your php limit by adding define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M'); in wp-config.php. You can follow this step by step guide and there are plenty of resources available.

    After updating the memory limit, you can try to export the urls again. And in case the issue is not resolved, give it another try by replacing 512M with 1024M. This should resolve your issue.

    You can keep this configuration as it is harmless. However, it could also be removed, once you are done with exporting urls.

    I will be looking forward for your update.

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