• detinamalo


    I can’t find anywhere the options for “Specific Time Bookings” or the ability to book specific time slots for selected dates. Additionally, I’m unable to locate where to add prices. Could you please confirm if these features are included in the free version?

    Thank you for your assistance!

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  • Plugin Author wpdevelop



    1.You can add the time-slots at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Booking Form page in your Booking Calendar Free version.

    Select “Time-Slots” option in drop-down list at the top toolbar to add it to the booking form. If you do not see this option in the drop-down list, then probably you already added the time slots filed to the booking form. Please recheck if you enabled the time slots field in your booking form fields configuration at the same WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Booking Form page.

    Watch more about this in this legacy video guide: https://youtu.be/-pOTMiyp6Q8?t=28s

    2.Enabling and configuration of the prices possible only in the paid versions of Booking Calendar. Find more information at this page: https://wpbookingcalendar.com/features/#payments
    and here: https://wpbookingcalendar.com/features/#rates
    Detailed instructions about configuration you can filed here: https://wpbookingcalendar.com/faq/#payment-pricing-setup

      Kind Regards.

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