• marcelocopetti


    Good afternoon

    I installed from the screatch wordpress (last version) and a Theme with Jeg Elemntor Kit


    Then I was working today to create my site.

    And when I tried to edit posts, elementor returns an error.


    The Learn more page goes to above page.

    I installed a demo from Theme, and I had problems with pages, and the solution was to recreate permalinks.

    For posts, I tried to recreate permalinks, I tried to change permalinks to plain. And nothing.

    All times I have =the problem with “No Content Area”

    Then I saw the templates, but they are not loading. I can’t use them, I can’t duplicate to create a post and edit after.

    The help there is no information that can guide me how to use post template.

    I need help.

    Thank you

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  • Plugin Author Fauzan Jegstudio


    Hello @marcelocopetti,

    Good afternoon!

    Previously, there was another user who experienced the same issue. If you are using Single Post Template, you cannot create posts with Elementor Editor. If you wish to edit posts with Elementor, you will need to deactivate all templates in Single Post Template.


    Please refer to the forum link below for more information.


    Thank You

    Thread Starter marcelocopetti


    Good morning.

    It s working now.

    Now, I need to import demo information again to have posts.

    But there is a warning that says I will loose everything.

    I created pages, forms, etc.

    I can’t loose all this work.

    How can I import only posts php?

    To use then as templates.

    Thank you

    Plugin Author Fauzan Jegstudio


    Hello @marcelocopetti,

    We apologize for the delay in our response. The Profecient theme has a Template Library feature that allows you to import demos part by part (section/page/template). For further clarity, you can refer to the images below.



    Once you’ve found a suitable design, you can click the Insert button to import it.


    For further inquiries regarding the Profecient theme, you can ask the Profecient team by creating a new forum thread at the following link:


    We hope this information helps.

    Thank You

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