• Anonymous User 21002013


    Hello, I am new to content development, and I created my website a couple of months ago. I have a dual-language website, with separate sections for Japanese and English. I developed the site for Japanese and then copied the entire structure for the English version. Each language is managed within a sub-directory, and I have two WP-admin accounts for both languages.

    The issue I am currently facing is with the English site. When I try to access my site from the WordPress Appearance –> Customize option, the template framework (which I purchased and used for my site) appears fine, but there is an additional WordPress login screen in the center of the main block. This was not happening in the past. I tried clearing the login by entering my username and password, and I received a ‘You have logged in successfully’ message with the WordPress icon, followed by another message: ‘Your session has expired. Please log in to continue where you left off.’ It goes into a loop and blocks me out. Additionally, when I checked my English site from a browser, I noticed that part of the link was broken. However, this issue is not present on the Japanese site.

    The template service claims that this is not their problem and directed me to contact you for assistance.

    I didn’t check my site every day, but the English site was running smoothly until a couple of weeks ago.

    Since my knowledge and experience in content development are at a very introductory level, I am unable to identify where the problem is occurring and what is causing it.

    I would greatly appreciate any insights, knowledge sharing, or advice you can provide.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • @okikam

    It seems like your issue is either related to cookies, sessions or possibly a plugin conflict.

    Can you please try logging into your site directly from
    Japanese: {your_site_url}/wp-login.php
    English: {your_site_url}/en/wp-login.php

    If that does not work, here are some troubleshooting steps you can take to diagnose and hopefully resolve the issue:

    1. Clear your browser’s cache and cookies: This can often resolve issues related to sessions. You can do this in the settings of your web browser.
    2. Try a different browser or device: This can help determine if the issue is specific to your browser or device.
    3. Deactivate all plugins: It’s possible that a plugin is causing this issue. Try deactivating all plugins, then see if the issue persists. If it’s resolved, reactivate plugins one by one to see which one is causing the problem.
    4. Switch to a default theme: It’s also possible that the issue is caused by your theme. Try switching to a default WordPress theme, such as Twenty Twenty or Twenty Twenty-One. If the issue is resolved, the problem lies with your theme.
    5. Check your WordPress version: Make sure your WordPress installations for both languages are up to date. Older versions may have compatibility issues with your theme or plugins.

    I hope this helps, and please let me know if you have any further questions.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 21002013



    Hi Gagan Deep,

    I wrote my further reply to you with the test result yesterday, but now I found out that my latest post of reply looks being disappeared.  Have you actually seen my update I posted here yesterday?

    Anyway, I want to thank you for picking up my case and reply with step by step instructions. 

    I tested your all suggestions, however, the my problem remains present. 

    Before going further, please let me quickly share how I set up my environment first. 

    1. I acquired my domain and use it on self-hosted rental server.
    2. Due to the idea to get my site support two languages, I created subdirectory {my_site_url}/jp for Japanese site.
    3. I purchased the template and built Japanese site from {my_site_url}/jp/wp-admin
    4. Next I created one more subdirectory for English site and I copied the whole JP site and placed it on {my_site_url}/en/wp-admin , using duplicator plugin.   I changed the contents for English. 
    5. I linked {my_site_url} to {my_site_url}/en.  I did on /en/wp-admin.   This way {my_site_url} shows English first and the url with subdirectory of ../en  isn’t seen on public.   

    Login check {your_site_url}/wp-login.php works ok.  On the page, I went to Appearance -> Customise, and the contents of my English site displayed on the purchased template, I did not experience the strange WP login looping issue. 

    However, I found another strange issue on the English site.  The site that displayed was not final version but was one of snapshots I built on the way.  So I came back on WP Dashboard of  {your_site_url}/wp-login.php and checked my posts and discovered that my recent a couple of posts weren’t on there.  

    Next I went to {my_site_url}/en/wp-admin , where I experienced the site access problem on Appearance —> Customise.  And this time the problem remains present that WP login screen displayed on my site content part and it loops in the two messages of ‘Session expired and need the login’ and ‘Login successfully’ then back on ‘Session expired’.   On WP dashboard of my_site_url}/en/wp-admin , I confirmed my all posts on there and looks like nothing missed.  

    Last I went to  {my_site_url}/jp/wp-admin , where I have never experienced any issue on the site access on Appearance —>Customise and still is running good. 

    I identified one thing.  The template version is not consistent on the three WP admin pages. {your_site_url}/wp-login.php is 

    {your_site_url}/wp-login.php and {my_site_url}/jp/wp-admin is

    {my_site_url}/en/wp-admi is

    Now I wonder this version could be the reason of my site access issue. 

    I hope I covered and explained enough to share about my circumstance with you. 

    It will be truly appreciated if you could share your insight, observation, suggestions / tips. 

    Thank you!


    Thread Starter Anonymous User 21002013


    @gagan0123. Apologies for some inconsistency in my notation.

    {your_site_url} and {my_site_url} are the same, which means, it’s the site of my domain. Regards, Makiko


    Thank you for the detailed explanation and for taking the time to run through all the troubleshooting steps. This helps a lot in diagnosing the problem.

    No problem about {your_site_url} and {my_site_url}, I already understood its the same.

    The fact that the English site is showing an older snapshot and is missing a couple of posts while the Japanese site appears to be updated and working fine suggests there might be a problem with how the duplicator plugin copied your site. It could be that some files or database entries or files were not copied correctly or completely, causing the issues you’re seeing.

    Can you please try replicating the site again?

    Also can you verify if you’re using any caching plugins on the site? or if there’s any caching mechanism added by the hosting provider for your site?

    There’s one more thing/suggestion, might not be a direct solution, but given your requirements of running a dual-language site, it might be worth considering converting your WordPress installation to a multisite network. In a multisite network, you can have multiple sites, each with their own separate admin, theme, and plugins, but they share a single WordPress installation. This could simplify the management and synchronization of the two sites.

    Here’s a step by step guide to create a network of sites by using the multisite feature.


    Were you able to resolve this issue?

    If yes, I would appreciate it if you could share what worked so that anyone else encountering a similar issue might benefit from this discussion.

    If not, and you’re still experiencing the issue or have additional questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask. I would be happy to assist you further.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 21002013



    I’m sorry for my late response. I was stuck with other business and could not sit and have a look.

    I have three admin pages on WP.org which have been created as below in chronological order.

    The way I did is that I installed  WP.org through the admin page of the self-hosted rental server I use. so I did with the subdirectories. 

    1. {my_site_url}/jp/wp-admin.  
    2. {my_site_url}/en/wp-admin  ,and also it is displayed as {my_site_url} on public. 

    The both use common login ID and password.

    I usually access WP dashboard for 1 and 2 from the hosted server’s admin page.  And I had never used WP admin of {my_site_url}/wp-admin .  However, one day I prompted http://www.wordpress.org and I realised that it did not identify my login IDs and passwords for 1 and 2, so I created the login{my_site_url}/wp-login.php  with the same ID I already used for 1 and 2 but different password.   

    3. {my_site_url}/wp-login.php.      and the site from this account retrieved the old snapshot of English site.

    The each site 1 and 2 were developed and completed the project at the end of March.  The English site 2 had no issues until I experienced the reporting issue first seen in May.  

    This means, I detect that the duplicator plugin did the copy successfully and that the issue is in separate to that the English site 3 shows one of old snapshots.  

    Currently I wonder to delete {my_site_url}/wp-login.php. and see how it goes, and I would appreciate your insight first. 

    And I’m sorry, I did not yet try your question ‘Can you please try replicating the site again?’.   

    The issue still persists on my side.  

    Your patient support is appreciated. Please let me know if I could provide further.


    Thread Starter Anonymous User 21002013



    Hi Gagan Deep,

    After I replied to you earlier, I went back to

    {my_site_url}/en/wp-admin/options-general.php (my English site)

    Then Settings -> General

    I put back Site URL address





    And I went to the site and confirmed that my final version is still there.

    So there are two options to do.

    A. Delete the account/client {my_site_url}/wp-admin/index.php on WordPress.org

    B. My {my_site_url} should be synched to the correct contents currently on {my_site_url}/en .

    Your response is appreciated.


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