• Resolved Jahid


    Hi on my single course page i have got this message This feature has been disabled by the administrator also my page is broken. I notice that it’s happening after updating the plugin to version 2.0.5 – 2.0.6 when I roll back to 2.0.4 it works fine.

    Can you help me with the issue of what exactly happening here?
    Thank you

    • This topic was modified 2 years ago by Jahid.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • largbasket


    Dear @jahidhasan018

    Please go to Tutor LMS design settings, then enable those sections the issue will be solved.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter Jahid


    What exactly do you mean? What do I have to enable?

    Here is a screenshot of the issue I am having Here



    Dear @jahidhasan018

    Q&A feature is disabled from the design settings and your course. Also, your theme isn’t compatible with the latest version of Tutor LMS. That’s why you are facing the issue.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter Jahid


    I have enabled everything on that section and nothing changed.

    Also, your theme isn’t compatible with the latest version of Tutor LMS
    If this is the case I will roll back to the old version of the plugins.
    Thank you anyway



    Dear @jahidhasan018

    I think you have overridden the theme and you are using the old version Tutor LMS template on your theme. Please update the theme template. Also please tell me which theme you are using.

    Thread Starter Jahid


    Yes, maybe this is the issue I am using Astra theme. I will check and let you know if I need help with that



    Dear @jahidhasan018

    Also, we are not authors of Astra Theme. Please contact Astra theme author regarding this issue.

    Thank you

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