• Several years ago I started using a “visual page builder”. You just couldn’t create complex pages that fast and easy without one. The time and effort to write the html/css was just not worth it. Fast forward to Gutenberg and my slow, clunky page builder became obsolete. I started the meticulous task of removing short-codes and editing hundreds of pages. As I came across them-I would fix them, hoping one day-I would get all of them-but how would I know for sure? Then I came across this plugin and gave it a shot. Glad I did! It easily found hundreds of short-codes with a link to each post/page. It took me a few days-but I just finished removing the last one. I was so impressed I came here to write a review. This plugin is just great. If you need to find/remove/edit short-codes, there is nothing better. Just perfect.

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  • Plugin Author Scribit


    This is one of the best review I ever read on my plugins. I’m really glad you’re here to write these things and that the plugin has been so useful for you.

    Thanks again @roaming1

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