• Resolved dannylisman



    First off all, your plugin is exactly what I am looking for, however, when I change variation type ( Color for example ) the html from the input changes because of javascript from:

    <input type=”number” id=”quantity_60ccb13a48230″ class=”input-text qty text” step=”2″ min=”2″ max=”100″ name=”quantity” value=”1″ title=”Aantal” size=”4″ placeholder=”” inputmode=”numeric”>


    <input type=”number” id=”quantity_60ccb13a48230″ class=”input-text qty text” step=”2″ min=”1″ max=”” name=”quantity” value=”1″ title=”Aantal” size=”4″ placeholder=”” inputmode=”numeric”>

    The configuration is min = 2, max = 100 and increment = 2.

    You need to refresh the input box with the minQty, maxQty and incrementbyQty whenever there is a variable option change. I have your plugin deactivated, but you can see the variable option for example and look at the input refresh when you change color.

    I hope this helps you out, if you need more info you can always contact me 🙂

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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