• Resolved songiuno


    I am trying to follow the use of [alt] Alternate text for excluded users to provide an alternate image to be shown unless a visitor/user is in a certain user group.

    In following the example in the documentation, which examples a URL (I assume at this point that if a URL link will work, changing it to an IMG link will work as well), I cannot get it (the exact example URL link) to work. I copy/paste the exact documentation example
    [private role="subscriber" alt="<a href='https://www.example.com/subscribe' title='Subscribe now!'>Subscribe</a> to read this <strong>super powered</strong> text!"]Hidden text.[/private] and the alt text link won’t work.

    Any ideas?

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  • Plugin Author Aldo Latino


    Hello Songiuno,
    I suppose you want to display an image. The IMG tag is not among allowed HTML.
    Could you paste here the shortcode you’re trying to use?

    Thread Starter songiuno


    Yes, dispay an image per the alt=”” specification, and a different image for the proper role specification in the shortcode.

    [private container="span" role="custom" custom_role="private" alt="<img src='https://www.sarusal.com/wpblog/wpsitefiles/logo-xru.jpg' width='350'>"]<img src="https://www.sarusal.com/wpblog/wpsitefiles/truck.jpg" width="350"/>[/private]

    Plugin Author Aldo Latino


    As I said, IMG tag is not allowed in the alt option.

    Thread Starter songiuno


    Okay, thanks.

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