• Assume our base URL is example.com. $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] is enough to get this.

    But if it’s in a local development environment ( LDE ) like Xampp, the base URL is localhost/example where the example is the WordPress folder name.

    $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] is already not capable as it only returns localhost. But get_option('siteurl') is still capable of returning localhost/example.

    My question is how WordPress know the base URL is localhost/example, as $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] only returns localhost.

    Because if I develop a plugin and I use $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], apparently it not gonna work in LDE.

    You might ask why not just use get_option('siteurl') then, because I wanna learn how WordPress get that.

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  • Hi @ace0930,

    You are get your site base URL in WordPress using this function easily.

    Thread Starter ace0930


    @hirenbhanderi Hi, get_site_url() is also using get_option ( 'siteurl' ) if you look at the source code.

    I’m not asking how to get the base URL like which function to use, I’m asking how WordPress gets the siteurl…Haha

    Okay @ace0930

    The get_option function retrieves the value from the database wp_option table.

    Thread Starter ace0930


    @hirenbhanderi Exactly, but how does WordPress get the base URL localhost/example before putting it into the wp_option table, that’s what I’m asking…

    As I have mentioned that the $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] only returns localhost, so I wonder how WordPress finds localhost/example.

    Moderator bcworkz


    The base URL is set in Settings. If you change the settings, the option changes and so do all of your URLs. Of course if you change it to a non-functional URL nothing will work.

    The base absolute server path is set as the constant ABSPATH in wp-config.php, which comes from PHP’s __DIR__.

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