• Resolved thompsonaire


    I am stumbling through the set up on this thing. How do I make the Unsubscribe work? The instructions are unclear. It says “Create a link with URL {unsubscription_url} to give access to the cancellation page.” OK, I created a link to {unsubscripiton_url} but that is not a real page. I get not found. Then it says “to give access to the cancellation page” Where is that? Where is the cancellation page. If I knew that I would create a link to “It” and not a link to “{unsubscription}” which is NOT A PAGE.. So could you please rephrase that to give me an indication of what I should really do? Because nothing I have tried works.

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  • Plugin Support Michael Travan


    Hello @thompsonaire, and thanks for using our plugin. The unsubscription tag replaces the link fully, so you don’t have to create a link to {unsubscription_url} but use it alone instead, as it is. It will point your subscribers to a service page (not a real page) where they will be unsubscribed directly or given some options, based on your settings.

    Let me know if this is still unclear, I’m here to help.

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