• I have the pop up set up, but the problem is when I scroll up or down, the page behind scrolls. This is a big problem when the screen size is small because when the user tries to scroll they can’t see the rest of the pop up because the scroll event is on the page behind. Any idea how I can fix this? Thanks

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  • Plugin Support Saravanan S, a11n


    Hi @enchantedolivetree,

    I have the pop up set up, but the problem is when I scroll up or down, the page behind scrolls. This is a big problem when the screen size is small because when the user tries to scroll they can’t see the rest of the pop up because the scroll event is on the page behind. Any idea how I can fix this?

    This probably is an issue coming from the theme, that said, we can’t confirm without looking at the page. Could you link us to the page where the form exists so that we can take a look and help further?

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