• Resolved fernwporg


    Hello, I want to know if its possible to modify the category results page so that it displays all of the subcategories for the main category that someone clicked on? Is there some documentation for now to access that information, and how to edit this page?

    For example the screenshot above on my main page there is a “Beauty” category. When someone clicks it they go to the page above. I want it to also display all of the sub-categories for people to click on.

    • This topic was modified 3 weeks, 6 days ago by fernwporg.
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  • Plugin Support alexrollin



    GD Categories widget, when placed on the GD Archive, can do that, show subcategories of the current category, and then clicking on a link is ‘like’ filtering – but in fact it just opens the category page of that child category.

    In fact this is the default setting. The option is in the filters section of the widget and reads:

    “Tick to show all the categories. Leave unticked to show only child”

    If you leave that unchecked, then the widget will dynamically show child categories.

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