• Resolved ZaacWilliam


    Please kindly assist me

    Am having issues letting mycred display history in paragraphs and not in a tabular form!

    For example
    The native history/log displays like

    “Date Amount Entry”

    What i want to do is have it display like;-



    ….. And so on

    Have tried using the below code

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  • Hi @omo9jatoja,

    Thank you for contacting us, Currently, there’s no option available other than the table.

    Thread Starter ZaacWilliam


    But still i tried changing the css with all the css attributes posted on the mycred website none is working!

    I tried customizing the wrapper nothing worked!

    I was able to remove the columns header titles since i don’t need them,but the black column header remains still.

    And please i hope we can get new history designs… The table displays is too local…


    Hi @omo9jatoja,

    We have forwarded your suggestions to the technical team hopefully we will be introducing some structures other then tabular form. Also, If you want to hide the header please use the CSS code shared below.

    .mycred-history-wrapper th {
        display: none;
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