• Block themes offer Styles that you can choose from. It also allows a user to edit the built-in style and save it.

    Suppose if I edit a built-in style, let’s say style XYZ and save it. Let’s call this modified style as XYZ-mod. And then I apply some other style ABC just to try it out. Now, in the list of styles, I see XYZ but not XYZ-mod. How can I revert from ABC to XYZ-mod?

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  • Hi

    I am not sure I understand correctly.

    When you say that you are creating a custom style and naming it XYZ-mod, do you mean that this is a .json file that you saved in the styles folder of your block theme?

    But if you are using WordPress 6.4.x and you are editing the styles in the Site Editor directly, you have access to revisions.
    Go to Appearance > Editor.
    Click on the page, the canvas, to open the Site Editor.
    Open the Styles panel.
    At the top of the panel, between the style book and the “more options” menu, you should find the revisions, which uses a clock icon.
    Select the revision history, and restore your styles.

    If you have the Gutenberg plugin installed, the UI can look a little bit different than in WordPress 6.4.

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