• Hi, I noticed for each image size there is an @1 on the end of the url and if I change that to @2 it returns the images twice the size. I would like to use this to make the images look hd just like how retina @2x works. How could I configure the plugin to use @2 by default? Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by hatisenang.
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  • Plugin Author alpipego


    This is/was mainly meant to be used by some premium add-ons I’m building (https://www.resizefly.com/add-ons/). Right now there is no filter (or similar) in the main plugin to make use of this.

    I’ll think about if and how to implement this.

    Thread Starter hatisenang


    Ok, that sounds great. I can’t wait to see what add-ons you build. I’m sure they will be just as awesome as the core plugin. Go go go! 😀👍

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