• Madhusudan


    I want to redirect users to “Thank You” page on successful submission of the form, the link for the same will be https://example.com/thankyou. But I don’t want to get this page open directly through this URL.

    I want that this page will open only when that form get submitted and when someone tries to open that page through URL then he/she will get redirected to the form page or home page.

    Please provide an adequate solution with a detailed explanation as I am a beginner to WordPress.

    Thanks in Advance!

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
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  • This involves a little bit of writing back-end logic to make it work.
    1) On the form page, it’s required to write some kind of Ajax to save the data submitted to the database or email somebody, and display /thankyou page without refreshing the page.
    2) On the /thankyou page: If you don’t want to show the page in public, download the “redirect” plugin and apply redirect to the form just for that /thankyou page.

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