• I use drop down to populate a custom taxonomy. But the problem is default category is auto select everytime. How to get rid from this.

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  • Thread Starter Sayed Tareq


    Please help to solve this problem.

    Thread Starter Sayed Tareq


    Please help. I selected WooCommerce product taxonomy where user can select from drop down list. If a user select a category the default category of WooCommerce automatically select when submit. How to get rid from here.

    Try this script in the footer.php file in the theme editor. Make sure that the ID is the ID of that <select> dropdown box.
    It’ll remove all the “selected” attribute for that dropdown box on user’s front-end.

    $(“#myIdOfDropDownBox option:selected”).each(function () {

    Thread Starter Sayed Tareq


    Oh you not understand what i want to say. Please go to the page https://womenownedbiz.org/membership/ at the bottom you can see a form which i use for WooCommerce product submit. You can see there Type of business dropdown which are products categories. As product category have default category so there is a category which is Food is default category. But this default category automatically assign to the product either the category is not selected by user. If you need login info i can send to you. Please send me what is your email.

    Thread Starter Sayed Tareq


    Please help me please

    Thread Starter Sayed Tareq


    Please check this screenshot https://womenownedbiz.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Screenshot-2019-12-01-at-9.16.40-PM.png

    The post category option create the problem. All post submit via the form automatically assign to the default category which is uncategorized. Please tell me the function which can remove the option from the gravity form.

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