• Resolved Lobsterdm


    I’ve installed your plugin but I want to style it to look different from the main Add to Cart button.

    I’ve tried adding css styling which works on first page load but then it gets overwritten as the page completes its load and it returns to the global styling for buttons.

    Any idea how I can get the new style to have priority? I’ve tried adding !important


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • There is a class for the button. You may apply the CSS following the class.

    Thread Starter Lobsterdm


    Thanks but I tried that already. I can alter some elements such as border radius but background colour and border isn’t changing.

    It’s due to the styling for the buttons coming after the styling in setting for the free sample button so it’s being overwritten during the page load.

    I just can’t work out why

    I think it is not an issue with the plugin. The plugin using the WooCommerce default class for styling the Add to Cart button. Please clear browser cache, deactivate caching plugin and check again. You may browse in incognito mode. If it does not work let me know.

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