• Resolved samiullah223



    The plugin is great I am just unable to find an option that would allow users to go back and change the ansswer. Just like there is next button in a paginated quiz is there also a back/previos button?

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  • Plugin Author Harmonic Design


    Hi Samiullah223,
    there is no back button, but another user asked about one a few years ago. Take a look at this old thread, specifically my response here. Looking at that code, it should still work.

    You can test by first backing up the functions.php file in your theme folder, then adding the code to the end of that file (you may need to also clear your server cache if using a caching plugin).

    I am reluctant to add a dedicated version of this to the core of HD Quiz simply because doing so has the potential to interfere or break other people’s custom addons for HD Quiz. So I need to be very careful about introducing new features that affect things like this.

    But I hope this helps and works for you!

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