• Resolved supermahesh


    I am submitting custom post from the frontend , how can I add video recorder in custom post type form, and how do I save it video token in a custom field or how should I get video token before submitting the form.

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  • Plugin Author BaneD


    There are several aspects of your question, each can be answered in its own way, so let me just ask a few questions to know what would be best to suggest.

    1. Are you using some form builder (like WPForms for example) to show the form or is it your own form (you add the HTML code for fields and handle the submission)?
    2. Are you looking for a code solution (HTML or JS) to be added to your code that is making your custom post type

    The reason why I ask is to know what to recommend.

    For saving the video in any field on the page / form it is very simple if you use our code for example by just setting the ID of the field into the recorder. Of course, let’s go with info from above and then see.


    Thread Starter supermahesh


    1) I am using my own code to show form and handle submission
    2) yes

    Plugin Author BaneD


    Awesome, thank you for the additional details 🙂

    Now my suggestion would then be to use the Ziggeo codes (not the plugin templates). This way your post type would have the Ziggeo field processed on the frontend.

    You could use something as simple as this:
    <ziggeorecorder ziggeo-width="100%" ziggeo-theme="modern" ziggeo-themecolor="green" ziggeo-input-bind="FIELD_ID"></ziggeorecorder>

    Now, if you wanted to also forbid the form submission until the video is recorded you can try with the following parameter: “form-accept”

    You can see all of the parameters you can use here: https://ziggeo.com/docs/sdks/javascript/browser-integration/parameters

    In the above FIELD_ID would be the ID of the field that should get the video token placed into automatically as the video is recorded.

    The above would be easiest / most simple way of adding the recorder. Of course you can use the parameters from the above page to make it a bit more up to your own workflow and also there are events: https://ziggeo.com/docs/sdks/javascript/browser-interaction/events.

    If you wish to have some custom handling through JS once the video is ready, my suggestion would be to use the verified event. Once that fires you are all good and you can actually make the form possible to submit (no need to wait through processing, those are just info events).

    Hope this helps,

    Thread Starter supermahesh


    Thanks bane

    Plugin Author BaneD


    Of course, happy to help 🙂

    Will close this one then, however please do let us know if you have additional questions 🙂

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