• I have three separate Mailpoet lists. When visitors to my site sign up as a WordPress user, I’d like them to be able to choose which one (or more) of my lists they’d like to be added to.

    At present, it seems the only option is that they are automatically added
    to the lists I choose in the Settings page. Please advise. How do I add a list selection feature to the standard wordpress user registration form?

    *Mailpoet Settings page*: https://www.waltgoodridge.com/images/mailpoet.png

    (If I select all these lists above, I’d like the user/visitor to be able to select from among them on this page: https://www.waltgoodridge.com/w/wp-login.php?action=register

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Tseten a11n


    Hi there,

    I understand you want to display the option to the subscribers to choose the mailing list they want to subscribe in the WordPress registration page.

    It is not possible by default as there is limited option to make changes in the register page in WordPress. But you can maybe use 3rd party registration plugin to create a custom registration form where you can add the mailpoet signup form that has list of all the mailing list in it.


    Thread Starter waltonsaipan


    Thanks for the response. I’ll go in search of one.

    Plugin Support Saravanan S, a11n


    Hey there!

    Thanks for the response. I’ll go in search of one.

    Thanks for your understanding here. Please don’t hesitate to share your findings here for others if you wish.

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