Support » Plugin: OSM - OpenStreetMap » How can I use the Plugin in a Theme (Avada)

  • I have understood everything so far except for embedding it in a Gutenberg editor. I would like to integrate a map into a theme (Avada) and need a solution here. Is anyone able to help me?

    Ich habe alles soweit verstanden bis auf das einbinden in einen Gutenberg editor. Ich würde eine Karte gerne in ein Theme (Avada) einbinden und bräuchte hier eine Lösung. Kann mir hier jemand weiter helfen?

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  • Plugin Author MiKa


    Hello @spektrumweb

    first of all, thanks for your rate and your feedback!

    Regarding your question I suggest to contact us here:

    WP OSM Plugin is compatible with Gutenberg editor – I do not know Avada theme and the challenges your are facing with this theme, but most time WP OSM Plugin was successfully integrated.

    Br, Michael

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