• Resolved asmarif


    How to hide images for single and all Woocommerce products?

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  • Plugin Support amin


    Hi asmarif

    I hope you are fine.

    Could you please share some information about your query? Are you using any widget of Essential Addons to display products from WooCommerce?
    If you want to hide all product image from store and single product page, that can be achieved by applying custom CSS. Some more information will be helpful for me to reply to you specifically.


    Thread Starter asmarif


    I’m using Woo Product Grid and Woo Product Carousel widgets. I need to hide the images inside all widgets and also from the Single product view page. How can I do that?

    Plugin Support Ashikur Rahman


    Hi @asmarif ,

    Greetings. Hope you’re doing well.

    You can use the custom CSS below to hide the images from Woo Product Carousel and Woo Product Grid:

    .elementor-widget-eael-woo-product-carousel img,
    .wvs-archive-product-image {
    display: none !important;

    You can simply add custom CSS by navigating to your WordPress Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize.
    After you are on the Customizer page, search for the “Additional CSS” option. You can then go ahead and insert CSS Code. Please check this screencast to learn more – https://d.pr/v/QrrfTw

    Regarding the single product page, could you please let us know which widget of Essential Addons you’re using? If possible, please also share the page URL and JSON file of your single product page template so that we can recheck it from our end and assist you properly.

    Best regards!

    Plugin Support Ashikur Rahman


    Hi @asmarif ,

    We haven’t received any updates from you since then. Could you please provide us with an update?

    We eagerly await your response.

    Plugin Support Ashikur Rahman


    Hi @asmarif ,

    Regarding your issue, we still haven’t heard back from you. So, we’re assuming your issue has been resolved. I am resolving this topic. You’re always welcome to reopen the topic again if you face any issues.

    Have a nice day!

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