• Hi,

    This plugin is awesome.

    I wanto to know how to hide Authorizer menu in sub-site when this plugin activate in multisite wordpress?

    Because sub-site administrator can see the configuration of Network Authorizer, and also can choose this menu “Override multisite options >> Configure this site independently (don’t inherit any multisite settings)”

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  • Plugin Author Paul Ryan


    Aloha, we can put that feature on the roadmap: “restrict Authorizer Settings to network super admins” or something like that. Would that work?

    Alternatively, there’s the “Enable administration menus” section on Network Settings that we could add it too, but I feel like that setting is pretty hard to find, and it’s probably better to keep the option in Authorizer Settings.

    Not sure if I am posting in the correct place, trying to ask Paul a Q about his Insert Page plugin – I put shortcodes for 3 different pages on the same page and published the page. The page turned out perfectly EXCEPT that at the bottom of each of the 3 pages inserted into the page I published the following was displayed:
    uagb_style_timestamp-css: 1585231309
    uagb_style_timestamp-js: 1585231309
    I used your suggested [insert page=’123′ display=’all’] with the appropriate page ID as the format for each shortcode.
    Can you please tell me how to get rid of those 2 lines at the bottom of each inserted page?
    Thank you very much.

    Thread Starter Hilfan Soeltansyah


    Hi @figureone ,

    That would be nice if only network admin who can access Authorizer in multisite wordpress.

    And yes, Enable administration menus, is not familiar for most wordpress admin.
    So it’s better when setting is controlled in each plugin. Beside that I dont want to hide all plugin from sub-site administrator.

    Plugin Author Paul Ryan


    Sorry, just realized that this feature is already mostly implemented. It’s based on the Network Setting:
    Add New Users: Allow site administrators to add new users to their site via the "Users → Add New" page
    If that is not checked, then the Authorizer Settings page won’t appear for local site administrators (it only shows for super admins).

    Do you need the ability to let local site administrators add users (including to the Authorizer Approved list), but not change any of the other Authorizer Settings?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Paul Ryan.
    Plugin Author Paul Ryan


    @gramps77 there’s another support forum for that plugin, found here:

    But quick answer to your question, you should be able to change the display from all to content so those lines don’t show. all includes any postmeta, and it looks like that other plugin you’re using (Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg Blocks) adds those custom postmeta fields.

    Thread Starter Hilfan Soeltansyah



    I mean,

    when I active Authorizer with Network active

    the Authorizer menu will still appear in subsite administrator, even those they cant using/edit it, but they can see all data in it.

    So, better if Authorizer menu only show for network administrator only.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Hilfan Soeltansyah. Reason: mention author
    Plugin Author Paul Ryan


    @hilfans0 there are 3 cases here for multisite:

    1. Super administrators can see the Authorizer Multisite Settings and each site’s Authorizer Settings.

    2. Site administrators (when “Allow site administrators to add new users” is turned off in Network Settings) cannot see any Authorizer Settings page.

    3. Site administrators (when “Allow site administrators to add new users” is turned on in Network Settings) can see Authorizer Settings for the site they administer, but can’t go to the Authorizer Multisite Settings page.

    I am talking about #2, and asking if your site administrators need the ability to add new users. If not, that is the easiest solution.

    I think you are talking about #3, specifically that site admins can see the config values in their site’s Authorizer Settings (even though they can’t modify them). Is that right? Also the fact that they can override and make their own config? There are many scenarios where local site admins who have been given the network ability to add users to their site should also be able to configure Authorizer, so that’s why we can’t just hide it. Looking for a description of your specific use case to see if it makes sense to implement a new option.

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