• Resolved vasilis4sar



    I don’t have admin bar in the pages when I am logged.
    If I disable the Plugin it appears normally.

    Could you help me?

    Thank you!

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  • Plugin Author Ben Sibley


    Thanks for getting in touch about this. I’m sorry for the missing admin tool bar.

    Could you install the WP Debugging plugin and then visit a few pages where the admin bar is missing? You should then find an error message in the error log added by the plugin. If you could share that error message here, that will help us figure out what’s going wrong.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter vasilis4sar



    I don’t have any error.
    However, i don’t have in source code this

    <div id="wpadminbar" class="nojq">
    Plugin Author Ben Sibley


    Could you visit the Analytics > Settings menu and check the box next to “Disable admin toolbar stats”?

    Let me know if changing the option fixes the error.

    Thread Starter vasilis4sar


    Yes, that fixed it!

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Ben Sibley


    You’re welcome!

    Stay in touch if you need anything else.

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