• Resolved wonderwooman


    The home page worked fine. However, when attempting to “Edit with Elementor”, the section formatting and spacings seem to be lost, causing everything to stack up on the left. All sections freeze under Elementor and nothing can be edited.

    The ‘about’ page is worse. The section formatting is lost as well as the background image in page view. It is supposed to be like this: https://snipboard.io/3CDSTh.jpg, it is now: https://snipboard.io/ged81n.jpg, and it is under ‘Edit with Elementor’ https://snipboard.io/UTM1lO.jpg

    Both pages was initially designed using Elementor. The staging site, set up 2 days ago, has no such issues. No new plugins were added during those 2 days. All plugins are updated. I uploaded some products in the past 2 days and don’t recall any changes to the design.

    It should be a glitch. How can I resolve this issue?

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  • Thread Starter wonderwooman


    Well, I don’t know what caused it but I resolved it by restoring files from 2 days ago.

    Plugin Support Elementor Team


    Hi @wonderwooman,

    I’m glad to hear that you were able to resolve the issue by restoring files from a previous backup. If you encounter any further issues or have any questions, feel free to reach out for assistance. We’re here to help!

    Best regards,

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