• Resolved nurbolkz


    Your plugin shows the links of another plugin again. After passing the quiz.

    • This topic was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by Yui.
    • This topic was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by nurbolkz.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Harmonic Design


    HI nurbolkz,
    it’s not HD Quiz showing the links, it’s YARPP.

    This is because you have YARPP configured to automatically add links to your content. The problem is that it is unable to know the differenence between content from your theme, and content from other plugins.

    HD Quiz uses the_content WordPress filter for results so that you can have rich text. Without it, the result text would be restricted to only plain text, and you would be unable to use things like shortcodes.

    ## How to fix?

    There are two ways you can do this. The best way requires some technical know-how, and the easy way is, well, easy! Choose whichever option works best for you.

    The best way is to stop YAARP from automatically adding links, and to use their Custom implementation instead. This is the method I use myself for HDPlugins (that’s right. I use YAARP on my sites as well!). To do this, first go to the YAARP settings and disable “Automatic Display Options”.

    Now for the tricky part, as this is not something I can help you with. You will need to edit your template so that you can manually choose where to load YAARP. This has the advantage of ensuring that YAARP will ever only load exactly where you want it to. I’m assuming you are only loading quizzes on Posts, so the best place to look is the theme file single.php, but your theme might use template parts, so you may need to look around. Generally speaking, look for where the_content(); is and add the following immediately after it: echo do_shortcode('[yarpp]');.

    The easy way is to instead of stopping YAARP from displaying in the results, we can simply use CSS to hide the links instead. To do this, from your WP Admin area, go to Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS and add the following:

    .hdq_results_inner .yarpp {display: none !important}

    Thread Starter nurbolkz


    I applied 2 simple ways. The problem is solved. Thanks!

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