• Resolved robaczek1


    I have 2 images with the same name – one is png and the other jpg. They are 2 totally different pics. But on the website for obvious reasons I can only see one of them in 2 instances. Reason is obvious but there should be an error message or notification during bulk convert that there were 2 images with different extensions, so they weren’t converted and offer a link to both so user can find and replace where necessary. Without this notification I stumbled upon this issue by accident, now need to visit every page to make sure no more issues like this exists.

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  • all plugin not show notification for this because not problem of plugins. you must upload images with standard site moderation like dont use same image with same name. you just need replace image with new name. also if images not in same folder like both image not uplaoded to /2023/10/ not have problem. if you want upload images on your site. must use unique and shortname for images and dont use same image name with different format. this isnt standard. You should save your site

    other Suggestion is dont use avif format and from now only webp supported on all device in the world. some browser like Edge, not support avif yet. see this:

    This is my help and suggestion to have best site

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