• I’ve been using Rank Math Pro for quite a while while editing show notes for WPwatercooler.com’s The Smart Marketing Show. I like the experience of their simple, clean interface.

    So, I decided to make the switch from Yoast SEO to Rank Math. As a marketing professional who works with plugins, I often do this to experience another product.

    The other day, my Rank Math product wasn’t updating. Something went wrong with the update package. No worries, I submitted a support ticket, copying my system data and all the rest.

    I am impressed by the support UI and ease of submitting a ticket. Not only that, but the speed and efficiency with the response was even better.

    Miguel is friendly and helpful and offered a quick solution with a tutorial. I personally didn’t need the tutorial but I was happy to see it and how well done and concise it was.

    The suggested fix was to download the plugin from my member area and upload it as a new plugin. WordPress allows users to update this way, replacing previous versions of the plugin. No need to deactivate and delete the previous version.

    Five-Star support from a Five-Star plugin!

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