• This has been a love-hate sort of thing. Initially, I had some issues. I reported an issue, and it was addressed right away. At that point, I loved the plugin. It removed bloat and brought total disk storage down. So I changed my one-star review to 5.

    With the last update, image thumbnail regeneration hangs. Posting on the support forum returned no answer. A week later, someone else reported the same issue. They have also not received a response.

    It is very disappointing. There is so much potential here.

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Plugin Author Nazmul Ahsan


    Sorry for the inconvenience, @daphnetalbot

    We’re working on it and will release a newer version ASAP.

    Thanks for the heads up.

    Thread Starter daphnetalbot


    Thank you for the heads up. I look forward to the update. And thank you for an amazing plugin! After the update I will try to remember to come back here and update my rating. 🙂

    Plugin Author Nazmul Ahsan


    Hi again @daphnetalbot,

    We’ve released v4.2.1, which fixes the issue you mentioned. Please check and confirm.

    Thread Starter daphnetalbot


    Awesome! I installed it on a new site and it installed like a charm. I like that it doesn’t request a set up. I always skipped that any way. Thank you!

    Plugin Author Nazmul Ahsan


    We’re happy that you liked it. Please consider updating your rating.

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