• Hi

    I tried to integrate both WooCommerce and your product Tutor LMS. After this, every course creation will result in the creation of two types of posts with slugs (under Tutor LMS and Woocommerce respectively), courses/learningcourseA and product/learningcourseA.

    If I set maximum student enrollment to 1, and I managed to enroll 1 student, a notification message will be displayed in the post with slug courses/learningcourseA and prevents any more enrollment. However, for the post with slug product/learningcourseA, it will still be open to anyone to purchase the course.

    For the post with the slug product/learningcourse A, I will need to go into WooCommerce’s setting to set inventory to out-of-stock in order to stop enrollment. The trigger from the enrollment limit does not automatically activate any notification or stop enrollment for the post with slug /product/learningcourseA.

    This is an issue with some wordpress themes. Are there any solutions that enable trigger from student enrollment to activate changes in the product post of WooCommerce?

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