• Resolved gbordormor22


    You seemed to have caught the idea that the website creator doesn’t have to be the person uploading stuff on the website.

    It could be Employees and other users granted the “manage_options” capabilities.

    Can You take this idea further, by creating a Frontend Submission Form?

    This frontend Submission Form means that users will submit Menus through a Frontend Submission Form, and will never see the WP-Admin Dashboard.

    Would you consider developing this feature soon?


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  • Plugin Author Support



    thanks a lot for the feedback. Can you elaborate a little bit more, what you mean exactly?

    What I understood: you want the same “upload form” a user with restricted rights sees at the moment, made available for the public? so that you can use is on any page? without login?

    Can you describe your specific use case a little bit more?


    Thread Starter gbordormor22


    If you look at WooCommerce, Directory websites, Job websites, and so on.

    They land registered users on a Custom built user Dashboard that isn’t WP Admin Dashboard.

    This is the first thing I am asking you to do:

    1.) Create a Custom User Dashboard, that registered users will land on, which isn’t WP Admin Dashboard.

    2.) Create a Form that will be available to Logged in users– so that they can use it to Post from the frontend.

    This means that, logged in users should never land on the WP Admin Dashboard, ever!– except for Admins.


    Plugin Author Support



    thanks a lot for the specifications. I think this is a really good suggestion.And it will be one of the next features I will develop. Unfortunately i am at the moment a little bit short on time, so that i do not know when i be able to implement it.

    Would you be interested to contribute some code? Or sponsor this feature?


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