• Elementor was the greatest thing to happen to WordPress for me. It changed the way I worked and gave me so much more freedom as a designer. That was until Version 3.0 was released.

    Version 3.0 of Elementor is without a doubt, the worst upgrade to any WordPress software I have ever experienced. Ever since it was released, I have spent weeks fixing broken sites and wasted days on trying to continue with building and editing existing builds only to end the day totally frustrated.

    Again today, and after countless updates to both Elementor and Elementor Pro, an existing site needed modifications and I have spent several hours on what should have been 2 hours tops and I am still in frustration.

    If you start a fresh build, Elementor seems to be working now. But existing sites that have upgraded to V3.0, are complete disasters. I can not begin to tell you how many hours I have lost since it’s release, and there is still no light at the end of the tunnel.

    Elementor should be providing all PRO users a free year or two for this absolute disaster, and even then it will not make up for the hours spent trying to fix everything that has and is still breaking. So bloody angry right now!

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  • That’s indeed the thing: working on a fresh install is wonderful. However, they completely ignored their existing user base, which in my book is one of the worst things you can do as a company.

    To try and reduce the damage Elementor hastily introduced the ‘choice’ to NOT have their new ‘DOM improvements’.

    But, I’m afraid it’s too late. Lots of sites have been compromised thanks to this ‘upgrade’. I think it’s about time the Elementor Team does a ‘Mea Culpa, Mea Máxima Culpa’!

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