• webrightnow


    The lack of a calendar embed functionality using shortcodes makes the free version very limited in its usefulness. Had to look elsewhere unfortunately.

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  • Plugin Contributor Andras Guseo


    Hi @webrightnow

    Thanks for taking the time to leave a review here.
    I wanted to offer some clarification. Shortcodes were always part of Events Calendar Pro, and they were never part of the free version. Nothing changed on this front. Also, when we make a feature free, it stays free always.

    Could you please clarify what you mean by calendar embeds? The Events Calendar never offered a “calendar embed” functionality, unless you mean the shortcodes.

    I don’t see any topics opened by you for The Events Calendar. However, I see that you recently opened a support thread for a different calendar plugin, My Calendar. Was this review intended for that plugin maybe?

    Thanks for helping to clarify this, I really appreciate it!


    Thread Starter webrightnow


    I stand corrected and have changed my review and star rating accordingly. It was a different plugin I used previously, but in my opinion shortcodes are an essential feature and should be included in the free version. I did switch to My Calendar in the end which at least allows this.

    Plugin Contributor Andras Guseo


    Hi @webrightnow

    We really appreciate the correction here.

    I understand you’re where you’re coming from and I will forward your feedback to our products team.

    While the free version of The Events Calendar doesn’t offer any shortcodes out of the box, there are a few free 3rd-party plugins in the repository here that can help you get started if you decide to give TEC another try.


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