• Resolved pitowner


    How can I set pagination for results? It seems I can allow none, some, or all results, but they all display in a single page?

Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Plugin Author Vinod Dalvi


    I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

    Do you mean on the search results page or in the AJAX search results?

    You can set the pagination as described below.


    Best regards,

    Thread Starter pitowner


    Hi. Search results posts. If I enter a term and it returns 30 results, I’d like it to return all 30 results with no more than 10 per page. Is this possible?

    Plugin Author Vinod Dalvi


    Yes, you can achieve this as described in my last reply.

    Thread Starter pitowner


    If I could have achieved that with your last reply, I would not have answered with anything but ‘thank you.” When I set the results per page number as you suggest, it shows 10 of 30 and no more. There are no links from the first page to the others.

    Plugin Author Vinod Dalvi


    This can be a theme issue used on your site so to confirm it just temporarily use the Twenty Twenty One theme on your site. If everything works fine then it’s your site theme issue.

    Thread Starter pitowner


    I guess I won’t buy your pro version if it doesn’t work with my theme.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    I guess I won’t buy your pro version if it doesn’t work with my theme.

    Is this a pre-sales topic?

    Thread Starter pitowner


    Who cares? I’m noy buying it. Move along.

    Plugin Author Vinod Dalvi


    I didn’t tell you to buy anything.

    Also, the plugin works well with all themes that are developed following WordPress theme development standards.

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