• Resolved famict


    I cannot checkout. i get the error:

    No Payment Methods Available

    We regret to inform you that there are currently no payment methods available. This may be an error on our part. Please contact us if you need assistance in placing an order.

    Can you please help me?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Sarankumar



    What are the payment gateways available in your website? May i know the product type you are tried(simple, variable etc..)

    Thread Starter famict


    I use WooPayments, but only Woocommerce Order Approval  is enabled, but i get the error. Can i email you printscreens?

    I use simple page

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by famict.
    Plugin Support ashlyjohny


    Hello @famict,

    Please enable at-least one payment method other than order approval. So that you can see the payment option after approving the order.

    Thread Starter famict


    I have enable WooPayments and  Woocommerce Order Approval But i get the same error. When i Disable  Woocommerce Order Approval the WooPayments is working. But when i enable  Woocommerce Order Approval i get te same error and no of the gateways is working.

    Plugin Support ashlyjohny


    Hi @famict,

    We are unable to locally verify Woopayments; this functionality is only available on hosted sites. Kindly switch to the default theme and recheck for errors. If the issue persists, please report it to us.

    Thread Starter famict


    I change it to default template but i get te same error.

    Plugin Support ashlyjohny


    Hi @famict,

    please confirm whether you are using a blocked checkout or a classic checkout page ?

    Plugin Support ashlyjohny


    Hello @famict

    There’s currently a problem with the checkout process, particularly when using customized or blocked themes, due to WooCommerce’s recent updates introducing the Gutenberg block. To avoid issues, it’s recommended to switch to the classic or normal checkout.

    The issue stems from a new feature that doesn’t have thorough documentation, and developers are actively working on a solution. The plan is to address the problem in the next update, making the feature available once it’s fixed. The assurance is that the associated plugins will soon receive an update to seamlessly support this feature.

    Plugin Support ashlyjohny


    Hello  @famict,

    We have enabled blocked checkout for our free version. Please update version 2.1.0 and check whether the problem is solved?

    Thank you!

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