• Hi there,
    I would like to make a couple of changes to the footer of this website:
    – Make more room for the left margin so it’s aesthetically aligned
    – Change the footer from dark rose gold to #ba9590
    – Change the font to Josefin Sans (normal)
    – Remove the Twitter and Youtube Icons
    – Remove “makeup for all skins”

    I can only use Menus > Footer so would love some CSS help if available.

    Thank you in advance

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Karthick


    @shantellel – Hope the following CSS will help you fix the points that you have mentioned.

    – Change the footer from dark rose gold to #ba9590

    .site-primary-footer-wrap[data-section="section-primary-footer-builder"] {
      background-color: #ba9590;

    – Change the font to Josefin Sans (normal)
    footer .footer-widget-area-inner h2 { font-family: Josefin Sans; }

    – Remove the Twitter and Youtube Icons
    .ast-footer-social-wrap .ast-twitter, .ast-footer-social-1-wrap.ast-footer-social-wrap .ast-youtube { display: none;}

    – Remove “makeup for all skins”

    .footer-widget-area-inner.site-info-inner .textwidget p { display: none;}

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