• Hello,
    I hope someone will guide me to help me fixing this problem because I’ve had so much error when I tested on Google AMP and ampproject.org and I’m so noob at this so it will be grateful if someone can guide me.
    But the first is, there’s two errors I’ve been focused now.
    1. Invalid URL protocol ‘”https:’ for attribute ‘src’ in tag ‘amp-img’.
    the highlighted code is:
    <amp-img alt=”"Windows” width=”” height=”” class=”"alignnone amp-wp-enforced-sizes” src="&quot;https://winblow.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/device_win10_laptop_hello_popup_en-us_032916_hires-1024x640.jpg&quot;" sizes="(min-width: 0px) 0px, 100vw"></amp-img></p><noscript><amp-img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-271 amp-wp-enforced-sizes" src="https://winblow.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/csr-classics-1-1-1-3_568x320.jpeg?resize=568%2C320" alt="csr-classics-1-1-1-3_568x320" width="568" height="320" sizes="(min-width: 568px) 568px, 100vw"></amp-img></noscript>

    2. The attribute ‘width’ in tag ‘amp-img’ is set to the invalid value ”.
    Same as the above.

    Thank you for your help /\.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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